Nu är vi klara med våra diskon, och ska inom kort åka till brynässkolan för
att barnen ska få svara på några frågor angånde diskona. Om det var roligt, om vi duktiga, och priser och så vidare. Det blir som en liten utvärdering. Vi ska även lämna ut vårat bankgiro nummer till föräldrar och lärare så attdem kan göra sin egen insats. Vi väntar på att en kille ska mejla sina bilder till oss. Han knäppte bilder hela kvällen när vi var på brynjan!
Vi har även mejlat lite med två barnhem. Vad vi ska köpa in till barnen!
ett av mejlen såg ut så här
"Thank you for your e-mail, it is good to hear from you. Can I just check that you received my e-mail a while ago telling you all about what we do and with our website address on it? It was in answer to some questions you were asking about our ministry.
It is very kind of you to think of our children, we do appreciate it. The most useful things are certainly vitamins/minerals, sticky first aid dressings (Bandaid/Elastoplast etc), school supplies such as pencils, black ball point pens, marker pens, scissors - anything like that for use in the school. Toothbrushes, toothpaste, soap are always very useful.
We just got the rice milled from our small field the other day and got 7 sacks of finished rice from 15 sacks with the husks on. It is an amazing drop in volume. It doesn't sound a lot but it is exciting. The husks can be mixed with other food and be fed to pigs. We gave one sack of it to another ministry so have got 6 sacks left which will last one month feeding the children. I never thought I'd care less about rice, because neither of us is that thrilled about eating it particularly, but when it's "our own" growing it makes a big difference.
Kind regards,
Pam & Martin"
och ett annat såg ut så här
"Yes the candies are just little tokens for when you first meet them.
The needs of the children at the recovery unit are
Rice, fresh Vegetables, Fish, Fruit etc (all readily available at the local market)
Medicines (depending on the case of each child) We will give you a list of what they need when you arrive, depending on their situations at that time.
Diapers (various sizes)
Shoes (their feet grow so fast and kids feel special when they receive shoes here)
No need for toys or clothes as we have an abundance of them arriving in December on a container from Ireland.
The kids in the hospital
cash to pay bills and be released from hospital
Cash for xrays, ctscans, Laboratory tests etc
The Kids at Philippine outreach centre
school supplies
toiletries (toothpaste etc all readily available here)
I hope this helps
/ Bettan
att barnen ska få svara på några frågor angånde diskona. Om det var roligt, om vi duktiga, och priser och så vidare. Det blir som en liten utvärdering. Vi ska även lämna ut vårat bankgiro nummer till föräldrar och lärare så attdem kan göra sin egen insats. Vi väntar på att en kille ska mejla sina bilder till oss. Han knäppte bilder hela kvällen när vi var på brynjan!
Vi har även mejlat lite med två barnhem. Vad vi ska köpa in till barnen!
ett av mejlen såg ut så här
"Thank you for your e-mail, it is good to hear from you. Can I just check that you received my e-mail a while ago telling you all about what we do and with our website address on it? It was in answer to some questions you were asking about our ministry.
It is very kind of you to think of our children, we do appreciate it. The most useful things are certainly vitamins/minerals, sticky first aid dressings (Bandaid/Elastoplast etc), school supplies such as pencils, black ball point pens, marker pens, scissors - anything like that for use in the school. Toothbrushes, toothpaste, soap are always very useful.
We just got the rice milled from our small field the other day and got 7 sacks of finished rice from 15 sacks with the husks on. It is an amazing drop in volume. It doesn't sound a lot but it is exciting. The husks can be mixed with other food and be fed to pigs. We gave one sack of it to another ministry so have got 6 sacks left which will last one month feeding the children. I never thought I'd care less about rice, because neither of us is that thrilled about eating it particularly, but when it's "our own" growing it makes a big difference.
Kind regards,
Pam & Martin"
och ett annat såg ut så här
"Yes the candies are just little tokens for when you first meet them.
The needs of the children at the recovery unit are
Rice, fresh Vegetables, Fish, Fruit etc (all readily available at the local market)
Medicines (depending on the case of each child) We will give you a list of what they need when you arrive, depending on their situations at that time.
Diapers (various sizes)
Shoes (their feet grow so fast and kids feel special when they receive shoes here)
No need for toys or clothes as we have an abundance of them arriving in December on a container from Ireland.
The kids in the hospital
cash to pay bills and be released from hospital
Cash for xrays, ctscans, Laboratory tests etc
The Kids at Philippine outreach centre
school supplies
toiletries (toothpaste etc all readily available here)
I hope this helps
/ Bettan